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Alumni Stories

May Van Tho 2016-2017
Having a strong passion for agriculture for many years, since he was still a student in Vietnam Forestry University, Mr. May Van Tho decided to go to Israel to find a way make his dream come true. In 2016-2017, he joined the Internship program at Ramat Negev. In this “Promised land” he tried his best to study and to plan for his future. After going back to Vietnam, he understood that he needs to further improve his knowledge of agriculture, especially his management skills in order to apply the knowledge that he acquired from Israel. Therefore, before building his own farm he worked in some specialized companies and gained experience.
From the beginning of 2019, he started to sketch out his Plan. Since June 2019 he built his own farm which has an area of 2000 square meters. Growing many crops, such as tomato, cucumber, melon, strawberry, bell pepper and grapes using organic hydroponic systems and supplying products for markets around the city. Yet, this is just the foundation for his dream, since His goal for the coming years is increasing the acreage of farm to 2 – 5 hectares and supplying his products to not only the market but chain store, supermarket, and hypermarket.

Siv Kumar Aale 2017-2018
Starting small, Thinking Big
I am Siv Kumar Aale from Bhimadi, Nepal. I always wanted to be a farmer, and a business man. Also, I felt the responsibility to support my family after completion of my studies. It was a compulsion for me, though an opportunity as well. Nepal is an agricultural country with many possibilities. Therefore, in 2011 I decided to establish a goat farm, named Shrijanshil Goat Farm. Nowadays, this farm has been registered under Cottage and Small Industries Office.
In 2017, I came to Israel through Bhanumati Small Farmers Cooperatives Ltd (SFACLs) to broaden my skills in Entrepreneurship and agriculture. I spent 11 months at Ramat Negev. I learned a lot due to my previous experience in Nepal. Agricultural technology, maximum utilization and management of water, farmer-friendly research, sense of entrepreneurship to farmers are keys of successful agriculture that I saw by my own eyes in Israel.
Furthermore, I got an opportunity to visualize many things such as quality seeds, quality water, medicines, science and technology, research center. For me, the time I spent in Israel was both beneficial to my occupation, and for my personality. I got a chance to express my views and opinions about highly modernized agriculture systems of Israel to the people of my land.
My goal, after learning in Ramat Negev, was to develop my farm. Initially, I started with the investment of one hundred thousand rupees and five local gene goats, called ‘Khari’. Now, I imported he-goat of Boer gene from Africa and Australia and the farm grew tremendously. In addition to the goat farm, I planted 15,000 trees and green grass and I plan to implementation Drip irrigation technology which I learned in Israel. I also hope to Soon make my farm as a model farm of my area.
In addition to this, I am trying to cooperate with some projects to develop my Farm and Land to an Argo-Touristic project-with Rooms, dining options and tours. During the last 4 years, I had participated many agricultural seminars, Yet, The Entrepreneurship course By Mr Boaz dreyer, which I studied in Ramat Negev was probably the most helpful and meaningful for me. I learned how to make business plan and to take the right steps for being a manager and a business owner. I’m practically working according to the business plan I did in Ramat Negev. Another source of helpful Knowledge for me, Was Dairy management course with Dr. Einat Shavit, teaching about modern methods and management and conservation of Goat resources.

Sirjana Chaudhary 2014-2015
I’m Sirjana Chaudhary from Nepal.
I was in Israel in the year 2015- 2016, as an Agriculture trainee in Ramat Negev program.
s many of us know and have experienced, living in another country changes our life. We will never be the same and will never see some things in the same way after graduating.
When I studied and worked in the program, I also expanded the way I used to think about the Agricultural sector, and I wanted to become a farmer and successful business woman . After completion of 11 month training, I returned back to Nepal and started my own business: a fish farm.
First, I had a small fish farm where local fish were reared. As time passes, my business progressed , expanded to 2.5 hectare of land which is later used to make altogether four managed earthen Pond where many indigenous fish are grown: Carps family like Labeo rohita(Rohu), Cirrhinus spp.(Naini), Kaaman, Grass carp, Silver Carp, Bighad etc, as well as some exotic fish.
Recently, I established 2 nursery earthen ponds where approximately 10000 fingerlings are reared, and two big earthen ponds, around 6000 big up to market size fish are reared.
In this farm, my family also helps me. We sell small fingerlings to a nearby hatchery home, and big one are exported to near district.
mostly, I do my business with the local Nepali Market.
A New place, A new Idea, hard work, patience, The knowledge and practical training I gained at Ramat Negev, are those precious things which led me to take the step and become an entrepreneur! .

Mr. Huynh Vu Linh 2017-2018
After I completed my studies in Ramat Negev, I returned to Vietnam and planned to learn about building greenhouses in Dalat. But because the investment cost is so big, I don't do that project. After that time I gave up the idea of opening a farm and interviewing for work. While waiting for the results of the interview, I thought, "I gave up nearly 1 year to study about Israeli Agriculture, a country that many people want to study without, such knowledge of agriculture and experience like that? "
Finally, I decided to build a greenhouse and set up a hydroponic vegetable farm in a clean and safe the ways. I’m cooperating with Mr. Hieu (Also, a Ramat Negev Graduate, who also trained with me at the Research and Development center.
Our farm name: KAROTO FARM COMPANY LIMITED. Cultivation method: Hydroponic and Irrigation drip system (Growing Maya cucumber and Laila cherry tomato)
Our Message to the students:
"If you have come to the country" Start-up country ", try to learn about their spirit, learn everything they have done. Always keep inspiring and passionate on ideas to one day do it "

U Kyaw Kyaw 2016-2018
former group leader of Myanmar, U Kyaw Kyaw. After returning to Myanmar, runs a farm of tomatoes.
He built a high tunnel greenhouse in Mandalay and growing now tomatoes with fertigation system.
Mr Kyaw aims to identify the most suitable and friendly fertigation system to local agriculture by applying what he learned from Israel. For now, It is a research farm.
And, this is the second time to harvest tomatoes. There are many advantages of using a fertigation system in a greenhouse to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse.
Such as water saving, cost-effective, and pesticides free tomatoes.
The main idea of doing this research is to give an extension about the modern technology of growing tomatoes to neighbor farmers and gradually to local farmers in Myanmar.

Mr. Ram Chandra Shrestha 2017-2018
Mr. Ram Chandra Shrestha: For me, to be the part of Ramat Negev program, is a great fortune.
I’m very much thankful to for this opportunity and platform. I came here for the 2017-2018 program from Nepal.
When I was in the Ramat Negev I got a chance to learn about advanced agriculture, Israeli Agri-tech, an academic course in school, methods and technology in the farm. And Today, I am a student at Ben-Gurion University. My Master thesis in BGU will check "Sustainably increasing drought-tolerance of wheat by applying algae-based fertilizer". All the staff of this project helped with applying to the University.
So, if you have a bachelor’s degree and again you want to join the further study, you can do it !!! Along with this, it’s very necessary to be responsible, sincere, hard-working. Wish you all the best!!

Ms. Htet Nway Oo 2017-2018
Ms. Htet Nway Oo, Graduated from our program at 2017, has a Bachelor degree from Yezin Agricultural University in Myanmar.
She recently started her Master studies, at the Ben Gurion University .“I am now studying plant growth promoting bacteria Will at the Irrigation and Plant Environment Department.
You know, life is so beautiful when you feel your efforts are fulfilling your goals. And, I have to say Thank you, Ramat Negev for helping me promote my dreams and brighten my future.
Now I am back in Israel after one year, to learn it`s high technologies, I am surrounded by students from around the world, Interesting people and the desert’s scenery.
it is my great pleasure to help you all, my juniors, for your future studies as much as I can.”

Giang A Day 2015-2016
My name: Giang A Day
I come from: Viet Nam
I graduated the Ramat Negev Training at: 2015/2016
Today I...
when came back to Vietnam, i had a desire of applying the knowledge he had learned to produce organic vegetable products.
I spent time at the capital to study the market consumption of organic vegetable products, networked with vegetable shops,
Israeli irrigation system suppliers and standard seeds distributors in order to plan to use in my hometown.
Back home in Rung Thong, Muong Bon, Son La, i started a nursery garden of 100 m2 with many varieties:
kohlrabi, purple cabbage, Israeli turmeric Israeli cabbage, tomatoes,
and some others imported from Israel and nearly 3ha of land planting many types of vegetable.
Seeing Day as a fresh graduated student, his choice of starting with organic vegetable is truly respectable.
Not many young people now have such inspiration and new ways of doing things.
His fresh organic vegetable products will surely be well consumed by the market.
We are so proud of him.

Shiva Raj Mahato 2015-2016
“During my 11-month agricultural training in Israel, I learnt how to commercialize agriculture.
When I saw farmers cultivating in such an arid land in Israel I decided to start my own vegetable farm in Nepal"-Shiva Raj Mahato one of our previous year student from central part of Nepal said when meeting our director,
Mr. Alon on his visit to Nepal..
The Ramat Negev International Center for Advanced Agricultural Training provides opportunities for many students.
by exposing them to modern agriculture as well as new technologies.
Such activities have created new avenue for commercialize agriculture in different countries.
Shiva Raj is highly inspired by the commercial farming methods that he learnt in Israel.
He is now using different modern methods to enhance his way of farming.
Shiva Raj pointed out that he has been benefited by this program in different ways. He added:
"I learnt the way of growing, handling and harvesting methods in vegetable farming that was totally different from Nepal.”
When Shiva went back to Nepal and started farming, his neighbor said that educated people should not be involved in agriculture but he did not listen to anyone.
Now, many people come to visit his farm and learn his way of farming.
Shiva is just one example that commercial farming can lead to better income generation.

Mr. Htin Sia 2013-2015
My name is Htin Sia, previously a Myanmar group leader at Ramat Negev, I am 31 years old and graduated from Sittway University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Law. I also hold a Master’s Degree in Divinity and Diploma in BMA.
At Ramat Negev,I have gained two years of High Tech Agri experiences. After I returned to Myanmar, I joined PRIME Agri Ltd which is also distributor in Myanmar for Netafim Product made in Israel.
After several years at PRIME-SPE, Recently, I started working at MYA AYER GROUP OF COMPANY. I am responsible for Farms Operation Manager and Procurement & Purchase Manager. As MYA AYER Company is mainly focusing on Coconut manufacturing, we led more than 3,000 coconut farmers to become organic coconut farmers as the very historical achievement for in Myanmar for sustainable farming and international market
Beforehand, I was a Training Officer at Smallholder Prosperity Enterprises Myanmar Limited which is a subsidiary of PRIME Agri Limited. I was selected as PRIME-SPE Employee of the Month for May 2017. For leading my team to the first-ever GlobalG.A.P. (Good Agricultural Practices) and led to the Certification of 97 Myanmar farmers in Southern Shan State. This achievement is the commemoration of Myanmar Agri Sector. At the same time, I am also responsible for PRIME Farms Myanmar Ltd, in GlobalG.A.P. , a Subsidiary of PRIME Agri Limited. Since my Return to Myanmar, I became a key player in the development and training of smallholder farmers and Company Staff in GlobalG.A.P. to meet international food safety standards and to open up access to international markets for Myanmar farmers.
I wish best of luck to the students in Israel, I hope to visit Israel and my dear friends in Ramat Negev Community again.